Men’s Opening

2023 Mens Opening Event


Conveners: Men’s Committee

Date: Saturday May 27th

11:00 am Shotgun

144 participants max

Register online or by calling the proshop, sign up in singles, doubles or 3 somes and the shop will establish groups – 4 somes are mandatory to play in the event

48 hour rule in effect – if your status changes within 48 hours you will be charged the participation fee


4 person scramble to be played in 8 somes

Blue tee for Gross division (handicap total less then 32)

ALL TEES AVAILABLE for other participants

Golf Canada Handicap

Teams will be flighted based on total handicap (3 Divisions named after 3 holes at OGCC)

Course set up to be USGA format

Scoring via Golf Genius

Fee: $80.00 ++

Buffet Meal

Carts provided to all participants


TBD based on participants

Lucky Draw

1 for $25

3 for $50

8 for $100

Notes for the day


Detail starting holes from regular course to USGA set up

Event registration

Purchasing of Lucky Draw tickets

Carts in round about – keep carts here until start of the event

Rules explanation – in round about

Speaker system set up in round about

Provide score cards that indicate # of drives per person (3 minimum)

Provide beer vouchers 1 per person

Posted teams by division (similar to Club Championship) based on handicaps

Prize table display

Payouts: To be determined

Sponsor: Labatts (Perry Robidoux) 1 Beer for every participant (Bud Light)


May 27 2023


11:00 am - 4:00 pm